Spring Wreath

Now that Spring is here, this lovely pastel wreath caught my eye.  So, I made my own to help celebrate my friend's birthday.

Springtime Wreath
It was super easy to make.  I followed the instructions on this blog.  You just take an 8 inch styrofoam wreath form and one ball of the Lion Brand Fun Fur yarn.  All you do is wrap the yarn around very close together until it's covered.  It looks like grass!  I bought a bouquet of silk flowers and cut off individual buds and pushed them into the styrofoam.  You can use toothpicks or something like it for the signs.  I added some butterflies I found at the Dollar Store.

Total Time: about 2 hours
Total Cost: Wreath form - $4.00; Yarn - $4.99; Flowers - $2.00; Butterflies - $1.00 = $11.99


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