Week Three - Goals Update

My GOALS Update

Goal: Do one cultural thing a week.
Actual: Went to see The Grey with a Q&A with Director Joe Carnahan at the historic Aero Theater

The marquee at the Aero Theater in Santa Monica.
 He talked about filming in actual snow and freezing temps, how it brought everyone in the cast and crew so close together.  Plus, it forced the actors to be real because in those temperatures they went in survival mode and couldn't fake anything.  After the Q&A they showed Narc.

Goal: Do one crafty thing a week.
Actual: I made these Cherry Blossom Lights.

Cherry Blossom Lights
Goal: Write 10 pages a week.
Actual: This week I didn't write at all.  I got very busy with some of my professional goals and this one was set aside.  I know to be a writer you have to get in the habit of writing everyday.  This is something I really need to work on this year.

Goal: Exercise 4 times
Actual: Did 2 morning workouts.  I was reminded that even a short workout can help set your metabolism for the rest of the day.  So, I went back to my 20 minute morning workouts.  I will try to do more of these in the coming weeks.  I also worked on a music video shoot that involved some dancing, so I'm going to count that.

Eating Better
Goal: Cook 3 meals a week at home.
Actual: I made a sauce for pasta that lasted two meals.  It was sort of a kitchen sink sauce where I added lots of food that was going to soon go bad like onions, tomatoes, and spinach.

I also made this Not-Exactly-Brunswick Stew, which made so much that it lasted quite a few meals. 

I feel like I'm getting stronger in some areas and weaker in others.  But, this is a game of attrition and I will keep at it til I beat these goals through the ground!


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