Week 15 Goals Update

Let's see how I am doing now that we are a quarter of the way through the year.

Goal: Do one cultural thing each week.
Actual: Does watching the entire first season of Downton Abby count as Culture?  Probably not ... then I didn't succeed at this goal.

Goal: Do one crafty thing each week.
Actual: I made pendant out of one of my favorite quotes.  And I created some Doctor Who memes.

Goal: Write 10 pages a week.
Actual: Well, I did get an outline down on paper for a story.  It's a start.

EXERCISEGoal: 4 times a week.
Actual:  Well, I got 2 days in.

Goal: Make 3 homecooked meals.
Actual: I made two.  Chicken Curry one night and then for Easter I made crockpot pulled pork sandwiches.  They were very yummy.
