Getting Organized in the New Year

A few of my goals for this year include staying on top of the cleaning and organizing in my house as opposed to waiting until I have friends coming over and in a panic trying to make my house look livable.

See how proud this lady looks, probably because she is one of those people who keeps her house clean all the time.  My goal is to look around my house proudly like this lady.

My plan is to follow this cleaning schedule from Apartment Therapy.  Apparently, 20 minutes a day is enough to keep my house tidy.  I am a bit skeptical and some of these tasks definitely would take me more than 20 minutes - but I am planning to keep to this schedule as best as possible. 

The other part of keeping my house neat and tidy is to organize things.  Make sure everything has a home and get rid of things we don't need.  I am going to follow this Declutter Your Home Calendar.  With this one each task is supposed to only take 15 minutes.  (Ha, they clearly haven't seen my closet.)  But, again I'm going to try my best to stick to it.  For January we are decluttering our kitchen.  Should be interesting because my junk drawers (yeah, there is more than one) are scary places where things go and never come back.

Anyway, I will track my progress on this blog.  Today I tackled the first day of the cleaning schedule: Surface clean kitchen and living room.  This took awhile because we had all the dishes leftover from our New Year's Eve party.  But, I do feel better now that it's done.  Maybe there is something to this whole cleaning thing.
