Because Toddlers Love to Make Noise - Homemade Kazoo

What toddler doesn't love making noise? So much noise. Especially when you are tired and have a headache ... and can't we all just sit quietly and color for a few minutes ... sorry, I digress. This activity is not something you want to make the morning after you've had a few margaritas because it will get noisy in here.

Kazoo made from toilet paper roll and wax paper
Homemade kazoos are super easy and I bet you have the required items around your house. You just need a toilet paper roll, wax paper, and a rubber band. My husband doesn't understand why I keep getting annoyed when he throws out toilet paper and paper towel rolls. Those are craft project GOLD!

I started by glueing white tissue paper around the roll to make a nice surface for Hulk to decorate. Then poked two holes in the side, I don't know the mechanics of why this is necessary but I take the word of the experts that it is. Now Hulk colors the sides with markers.

Gravity is fascinating.
The coloring part took some coaxing from me because he was much more interested in watching the markers fall through the the tube than coloring it. (So, things falling through a tube will definitely be another project.)

Once Hulk bored of the coloring and dropping things I finished up the kazoo. Just cut a piece of the wax paper and wrap it around one end, holding it in place with a rubber band. Now hum into the other end and you have a kazoo! I apparently didn't get any pictures of him using it, but he did and boy is it noisy.

Expense: $0 
Parental Effort: 2 out of 5
Toddler Approved: 5 out of 5
Hulk's Age: 2.5 years
